Living water in the desert

Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who say to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water" - John 4:10

Calvary Chapel of Holbrook AZ is located in Northern Arizona. We are a fellowship of loving believers in a small community. If you are new to Holbrook or just looking for a church family to call home or passing through, come join for a Sunday morning or Wednesday night service


1202 W. Hopi Drive,
Holbrook, AZ 86025

Service times

Sunday Mornings 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evenings 6:30 p.m.

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Coming Events

October 17th, DEVOTION 

desiring a better country - alistair begg

Joseph remained in Egypt, he and his father’s house. Joseph lived 110 years … And Joseph said to his brothers, “I am about to die, but … God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here.” Genesis 50:22, Genesis 50:24-25

Roughly 60 years of Joseph’s later life are summarized by the phrase “Joseph remained in Egypt.” Presumably, these were quieter times than the recorded drama of his early days. But 60 whole years are surely not pointless. Considering these years in the life of Joseph causes us to reflect: What are we living for? What are we planning to do with the time God has given us?

It’s far too easy to spend our lives chasing earthbound horizons such as career success, financial stability, or comfortable luxuries. The myth is seductive: that life is about slaving at your job as long as you can in order to line the nest in which you plan to settle down—that the purpose of life is to prepare for retirement. Just at the point when believers are often in a position—financially, emotionally, socially—to free up an incredible amount of time to serve God’s kingdom, they start to talk hibernation.

As followers of Jesus, we must not live as though this world is all there is. Yet some of us can’t say with integrity, “There is more than just this life,” because everything we are doing with our time, talents, and money seems to be saying, “This is it! That’s why I’m working 60 hours a week. That’s why I don’t come home or take a vacation. That’s why I missed church again last Sunday. That’s why I don’t make time and take risks to serve and to share the gospel with my neighbors. Because this is it.”
It’s one thing to have a vibrant and unwavering faith when we’re in the middle of a battle; it’s a whole new challenge to live a life of steady obedience through daily routine. For a life to be well spent—especially as it relates to our resources and legacy—we must consider not just what we want in life but what we ought to do with life. We need a vision of the heavenly horizon.

Joseph had a purpose for his life and for those final, quieter years. His vision was set beyond the borders of Egypt. He wasn’t focused on himself; he was responsible for ensuring that his children and his children’s children did not settle down too comfortably in Egypt but instead remained unsettled enough so that they might truly settle one day in the promised land. God had given him peace, prestige, and prosperity in Egypt—everything that so many of us chase today. Yet he was always looking beyond Egypt. He knew this was not where he, or any of God’s people, truly belonged. He was not yet home. We too must live in such a way that we help our loved ones and our own hearts to “desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one” (Hebrews 11:16). Whatever you have or do not have today, you are not yet home. There is more, and better, than this. Be sure that your time, talents, and money reflect that knowledge.
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We study the New Testament on Sunday mornings and the Old Testament on Wednesday Evenings

Most rescent message

We study the New Testament on Sunday mornings and the Old Testament on Wednesday Evenings

Check out our new page - God at work

We have made this page so that you can see some of the ways that God is working in our church family.

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what you can expect

We know that visiting a new church can be intimating at times, especially when you may not know anyone or know what to expect.

We hope this will help you to be more comfortable
if you come and visit us


We take a systematic approach to the scriptures.
On Sunday mornings we teach through the New Testament - book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse.
On Wednesday nights we are going through the Old Testament. Wednesday nights are more laid back, questions are asked, people have an opportunity to respond.


First thing you will notice with the singing portion of our service is that we have the children with their parents.  We want the children to learn to worship as a family. The songs we sing are generally contemporary with an occasional hymn thrown in.

Kids & Youth

Children begin their time with us with their parents for the first two songs. We do have nursery available at the beginning if you need to take advantage of it. Once the singing is done, the kids are dismissed and will be met by the teachers at the back doors of the sanctuary.
At this time we do not have a Youth Ministry. The youth we have participate with Oasis Youth Ministries during the week. On Sunday mornings, the youth remain in the sanctuary where they will learn the Word of God with the adults.


Some come in every day clothing and others may come dressed up. We don't want you to stress about what to wear, we just want you to come and worship Jesus.