DEan Ceccarelli
Pastor Dean was first introduced to Calvary Chapel while stationed at Fort Bragg N.C. in 1986. After returning home, he began attending Calvary Chapel North Phoenix which was led at that time by Pastor Bob Claycamp. Unknown to him, God used his time at Calvary North to prepare him for what God had planned for him later on.
During his time at Calvary Chapel North Phoenix and Calvary Chapel Peoria, he was used by God to fill in for the different pastors of Calvary Chapel of Winslow/Holbrook. In 2000, God led Dean and his wife Jennifer to move to Holbrook, AZ to assist the pastor who at that time was Rob Robinson. In 2003, God led Pastor Rob to make Winslow and Holbrook separate ministries and turned over the Holbrook fellowship to Pastor Dean.
During his time at Calvary Chapel North Phoenix and Calvary Chapel Peoria, he was used by God to fill in for the different pastors of Calvary Chapel of Winslow/Holbrook. In 2000, God led Dean and his wife Jennifer to move to Holbrook, AZ to assist the pastor who at that time was Rob Robinson. In 2003, God led Pastor Rob to make Winslow and Holbrook separate ministries and turned over the Holbrook fellowship to Pastor Dean.
Bryan Jolley
Worship Leader
Bryan grew up attending Sunday School at Calvary Chapel of Holbrook. After High School, Bryan moved to Phoenix. There he met and married his wife Cassyde. After years of living in the Valley, Bryan and his family moved to Holbrook and once again became a part of the family at Calvary Chapel . After a period of time and much prayer, the position of worship leader, which was held by his father, was passed to him.