Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Local misssions we support Monthly
Bread of Life missions, Oasis Youth Ministries,
Naomi House, Native american christian Academy

Our Mission is to provide spiritual guidance and physical assistance including shelter, food and vocational training to people in need, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to help them recognize and deal with their problems in a life changing manner.

Native American Outreach Ministries Inc. is a non-profit mission home dedicated to providing a safe and loving home for Native American Children.
Psalm 68:5-6a NIV "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, He leads out the prisoners with singing."
Psalm 68:5-6a NIV "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, He leads out the prisoners with singing."

OYM is a youth ministry for the community of Holbrook, AZ, and our surrounding communities. We partner with the local churches to reach the youth in our communities for Jesus.

Holbrook Pregnancy Center
Is a local ministry that ministers to expectant mothers in our community
In country missions we support monthly
Poimen Ministries and Cid

Poimen (“Shepherd”) Ministries is a ministry to Senior or Lead Pastors for the purpose of strengthening the senior or lead pastor so the church he serves will be strengthened as well.
We believe when a pastor is strengthened and encouraged, the church will be likewise affected. Poimen Ministries is made up of seasoned, veteran pastors who are ready to connect with you.
We believe when a pastor is strengthened and encouraged, the church will be likewise affected. Poimen Ministries is made up of seasoned, veteran pastors who are ready to connect with you.

The vision of Christian Islamic Dialogue (CID) is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to beloved Muslims domestically as well as globally by training followers of Christ in sharing the gospel through small outreach teams who grow in spiritual maturity which increases their confidence.
Overseas missions we support monthly
Abraham Project - Panama
Voice for the voiceless thailand
Tim and Tina Dixon have been working with the people of Central Thailand for several years now.

The Abraham Project Panama (APP) will be an international expansion of the Abraham Project.
Stephen, Jr. and Kendra Thomas moved to Panama in October 2019 to start the first Emergency Children’s Homes there.
They believe the Lord has called them to Latin America to help hurting children by meeting their needs and sharing the love of Christ with them while also working to reunite them with their families.
Stephen, Jr. and Kendra Thomas moved to Panama in October 2019 to start the first Emergency Children’s Homes there.
They believe the Lord has called them to Latin America to help hurting children by meeting their needs and sharing the love of Christ with them while also working to reunite them with their families.