February 11th Follow-up
1 Thessalonians 5
The Day of the Lord is coming, get ready
Apparently, there was some confusion among the believers in Thessalonica about the Day of the Lord. Paul told them two things. First, the Day of the Lord would come like a thief in the night. Second, the Day of the Lord would come when people are saying peace and safety.
The term Day of the Lord encompasses a period of time that includes the 7-year tribulation period also known as the 70 Week of Daniel. Jesus said this in Matthew 24:
Matthew 24:21–22 (ESV) For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. 22 And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
During this time there will be famines, wars, and plagues. Unless you receive the mark of the beast, you won’t be able to work which means you won’t be able to buy. Does that remind you of anything from a couple of years ago? Billions of people will die during these 7 years. This will be a period of time that is unparalleled in all of human history.
Paul says the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. Meaning it will come when the world is unprepared for what is to come. People will go about their daily lives like normal. Jesus said this in Matthew 24 as well:
Matthew 24:38–39 (NIV) For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Paul says people will be declaring peace and safety when sudden destruction comes. The tribulation period will begin with the anti-Christ signing a 7-year peace agreement with the
nation of Israel. Peace and safety.
Folks, the day of God’s wrath is coming and I believe it is soon. Just as I believe the rapture is soon. I hold to a pretribulation view of the rapture as do many others. If we are gone before the tribulation period begins, why should we care? Because all of us know people we care about who aren’t saved or who profess to be saved, but may not be, who will find themselves coming
under God’s wrath. These folks will still have an opportunity to be saved.
You might say what can I do. First, be diligent in sharing the good news with them. Secondly, warn folks about what is coming. Whether they believe you or not is not the issue. If we let those we care about know what is coming, at least we have planted seeds. And maybe, just maybe when those things begin to happen, they will remember what we told them and turn to Jesus.
The Day of the Lord is coming, get ready
Apparently, there was some confusion among the believers in Thessalonica about the Day of the Lord. Paul told them two things. First, the Day of the Lord would come like a thief in the night. Second, the Day of the Lord would come when people are saying peace and safety.
The term Day of the Lord encompasses a period of time that includes the 7-year tribulation period also known as the 70 Week of Daniel. Jesus said this in Matthew 24:
Matthew 24:21–22 (ESV) For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. 22 And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
During this time there will be famines, wars, and plagues. Unless you receive the mark of the beast, you won’t be able to work which means you won’t be able to buy. Does that remind you of anything from a couple of years ago? Billions of people will die during these 7 years. This will be a period of time that is unparalleled in all of human history.
Paul says the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. Meaning it will come when the world is unprepared for what is to come. People will go about their daily lives like normal. Jesus said this in Matthew 24 as well:
Matthew 24:38–39 (NIV) For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Paul says people will be declaring peace and safety when sudden destruction comes. The tribulation period will begin with the anti-Christ signing a 7-year peace agreement with the
nation of Israel. Peace and safety.
Folks, the day of God’s wrath is coming and I believe it is soon. Just as I believe the rapture is soon. I hold to a pretribulation view of the rapture as do many others. If we are gone before the tribulation period begins, why should we care? Because all of us know people we care about who aren’t saved or who profess to be saved, but may not be, who will find themselves coming
under God’s wrath. These folks will still have an opportunity to be saved.
You might say what can I do. First, be diligent in sharing the good news with them. Secondly, warn folks about what is coming. Whether they believe you or not is not the issue. If we let those we care about know what is coming, at least we have planted seeds. And maybe, just maybe when those things begin to happen, they will remember what we told them and turn to Jesus.
December 31st follow-upJanuary 1st DevotionJanuary 2nd DevotionJanuary 3rd DevotionJanuary 4th DevotionJanuary 5th DevotionJanuary 7th Follow-upJanuary 8th DevotionJanuary 9th DevotionJanuary 10th DevotionJanuary 11th DevotionJanuary 12th DevotionJanuary 14th Follow-upJanuary 15th DevotionJanuary 16th DevotionJanuary 17th DevotionJanuary 18th DevotionJanuary 19th DevotionJanuary 21st follow-upJanuary 22nd DevotionJanuary 23rd DevotionJanuary 24th DevotionJanuary 25th DevotionJanuary 26th Devotion1-28-24 follow-upJanuary 29th DevotionJanuary 30th DevotionJanuary 31st Devotion
February 1st DevotionFebruary 2nd DevotionFebruary 5th DevotionFebruary 4th Follow-upFebruary 6th DevotionFebruary 7th DevotionFebruary 8th DevotionFebrtuary 9th DevotionFebruary 11th Follow-upFebruary 12th DevotionFebruary 13th DevotionFebruary 14th DevotionFebruary 15th DevotionFebruary 16th DevotionFebruary 19th DevotionFebruary 20th DevotionFebruary 21st DevotionFebruary 22nd DevotionFebruary 23rd DevotionFebruary 26th DevotionFebruary 27th DevotionFebruary 28th DevotionFebruary 29th Devotion
March 1st DevotionMarch 3rd follow-upMarch 4th DevotionMarch 5th DevotionMarch 6th DevotionMarch 7th, 2024March 8th DevotionMarch 11th DevotionMarch 12th DevotionMarch 13th DevotionMarch 14th DevotionMarch 15th DevotionMarch 18th DevotionMarch 19th DevotionMarch 20th devotionMarch 21st DevotionMarch 22nd DevotionMarch 25th DevotionMarch 26th DevotionMarch 27th DevotionMarch 28th DevotionMarch 29th Devotion
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