July 27th Devotion
The Lifestyle of Worship – Tony Evans
In His Presence: “You are holy, O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel” (Psalm 22:3).
Worship is not simply an event or a place. It is an orientation. It is a way of life. It is the result of a decision that we make—one that exalts God above everything else. It is also a way of thinking. We come to a point where we realize and acknowledge that God is truly great and worthy of all praise.
One of the major benefits of worship is that when we draw near to God, He draws near to us. This is why worship is crucial to the life of a believer. If we do not worship God on a regular basis, we will not sense His closeness and will not know which way to go when trouble comes. We will not experience the joy of living free lives because we will not be in tune with His Spirit. Instead, we must learn how to walk each day in the light of His grace and unconditional love.
Israel learned the importance of worship in the desert, where they were prepared by God to enter the Promised Land. They carried the altar of God with them. When they stopped to make camp, the first thing they did was to set up the altar and the surrounding tent. They didn’t say anything about needing to wait until the Sabbath to worship. They realized the importance of worshiping the One who held their lives fast within His hands.
Do you have this same attitude toward worship? Do you go to church on Sunday with a grateful heart, longing to sing and praise God for His goodness? Or are you one of the missing who rarely shows up to worship the Lord?
Sadly, while God longs for our fellowship, the one that loses out in this case is the person who fails to enter His gates with thanksgiving. He does not need us, but we definitely need Him.
The one place where you can learn the most about God’s infinite love and care for you is through times of worship. You don’t have to put on your finest clothes in order to worship Him.
He just wants you to come and worship with a heart that sincerely wants to be with Him.
One Minute Please
Make worship to God your heart’s passion, and He will renew your faith
In His Presence: “You are holy, O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel” (Psalm 22:3).
Worship is not simply an event or a place. It is an orientation. It is a way of life. It is the result of a decision that we make—one that exalts God above everything else. It is also a way of thinking. We come to a point where we realize and acknowledge that God is truly great and worthy of all praise.
One of the major benefits of worship is that when we draw near to God, He draws near to us. This is why worship is crucial to the life of a believer. If we do not worship God on a regular basis, we will not sense His closeness and will not know which way to go when trouble comes. We will not experience the joy of living free lives because we will not be in tune with His Spirit. Instead, we must learn how to walk each day in the light of His grace and unconditional love.
Israel learned the importance of worship in the desert, where they were prepared by God to enter the Promised Land. They carried the altar of God with them. When they stopped to make camp, the first thing they did was to set up the altar and the surrounding tent. They didn’t say anything about needing to wait until the Sabbath to worship. They realized the importance of worshiping the One who held their lives fast within His hands.
Do you have this same attitude toward worship? Do you go to church on Sunday with a grateful heart, longing to sing and praise God for His goodness? Or are you one of the missing who rarely shows up to worship the Lord?
Sadly, while God longs for our fellowship, the one that loses out in this case is the person who fails to enter His gates with thanksgiving. He does not need us, but we definitely need Him.
The one place where you can learn the most about God’s infinite love and care for you is through times of worship. You don’t have to put on your finest clothes in order to worship Him.
He just wants you to come and worship with a heart that sincerely wants to be with Him.
One Minute Please
Make worship to God your heart’s passion, and He will renew your faith
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