Is it really this hot
Today we are going to look at the 4th bowl judgment.
Revelation 16:8–9 (NIV) The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. 9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.
Like most others, I have had my share of sunburns that were painful to the touch. You may or may not know that sunburn is caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays, not by the heat. So you can get sunburn even in the winter.
Is this judgment describing people being afflicted with severe sunburn in the traditional sense or is this a case of people being burned from the heat of the Sun? Could it be that something will happen to the Sun causing it to heat up hotter than normal? So much so that if you go outside you will experience burns on the exposed parts of your skin. If it is caused by the heat, can you imagine how hot it will be outside?
The Greek word for “seared” means to scorch. No matter what this judgment is – you can forget a day at the beach, at the lake, camping, etc… Pray that you don’t have a job that is outdoors or you likely won’t be able to work at this point. I think it will be safe to say that it will not be safe to go outside.
I know what your thinking – “I’ll just use sunblock with SPF 100+ when I go outside and I will be safe.” I would say – “let me know how that works for you”, but I won’t be around.
The answer isn’t better sunblock, better clothing, better protection. The answer is Jesus Christ.
Notice again vs. 9 – “They cursed the name of God”. They know these judgments are from God and yet rather than repent they curse his name.” If you are living during this time, don’t be one of those people.
Revelation 16:8–9 (NIV) The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. 9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.
Like most others, I have had my share of sunburns that were painful to the touch. You may or may not know that sunburn is caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays, not by the heat. So you can get sunburn even in the winter.
Is this judgment describing people being afflicted with severe sunburn in the traditional sense or is this a case of people being burned from the heat of the Sun? Could it be that something will happen to the Sun causing it to heat up hotter than normal? So much so that if you go outside you will experience burns on the exposed parts of your skin. If it is caused by the heat, can you imagine how hot it will be outside?
The Greek word for “seared” means to scorch. No matter what this judgment is – you can forget a day at the beach, at the lake, camping, etc… Pray that you don’t have a job that is outdoors or you likely won’t be able to work at this point. I think it will be safe to say that it will not be safe to go outside.
I know what your thinking – “I’ll just use sunblock with SPF 100+ when I go outside and I will be safe.” I would say – “let me know how that works for you”, but I won’t be around.
The answer isn’t better sunblock, better clothing, better protection. The answer is Jesus Christ.
Notice again vs. 9 – “They cursed the name of God”. They know these judgments are from God and yet rather than repent they curse his name.” If you are living during this time, don’t be one of those people.
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